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watch LONGEST Steadicam shots in a zombie movie!!!

Hey everyone,

Check out my zombie movie!! I directed it and co-produced!!

There are 4 stories, all 5-minutes long - and they're ALL one LONG TAKE, with NO EDITS!!! We had a decent budget, tons of extras, great MUA's, and some nice gore!

Please watch all 4 stories, comment, and pass it along! Here they are, in order:





They were shot in HD, but had to pull the footage from the DVD so it isn't great. My apologies.

I didn't get to view all of them, just the first, it's a bit late right now so i'll finish next visit.

Some things I noticed(these are dislikes, I liked it generally, so he's what I think needs to be worked on)

-The news titles were cheesy (the font style that is)
-The camera FXs could have been done better, and they lasted too long at certian points.

It kinda reminded me of Quarantine, or [REC] (the spanish original)
I really like the look of this movie, the steadicam is used really well, the location, props and costume look really convincing and the lighting is spot on.

My main criticism would be the storyline, it needs a twist, i thought perhaps when the guy drives off in the news van at the end, the sound guy could be sat in the back as a zombie.. instead of writhing on the car outside.

I mean, if you are going to use the technique of looking at an event from 4 different perspectives, you have to reveal somthing to the audience each time that they didn't know before.. something that makes them go "ahh rite, I get it.. thats clever". I didn't understand the significance of pt3, the introduction of an unaffected female who appears to have hearing problems (i liked the sound on that bit by the way).. but what did she lend to the plot, other than knocking over the news presenter (which could have been done by the two guys who tried to get out)? Nothing happened to her.

Am I missing something?

Overall, great look, weak plot.
Hope you find my comments useful,
Thanks for your input, everyone!

I agree with both of your feedback. My team was highly dysfunctional, and I think it shows in our post-production and the script - which were done by the same person. The static on the news camera looks bad... and it's red, not b&w. I may revisit the project, and make those changes and repost.

Just thought I'd post it and see what people think! More feedback, the better!

Interesting facts: The building we shot in, and our MUA were in the new Dawn of the Dead!! Also, it was -24oC while we were shooting, and the fake blood was freezing people to cars! haha
You need more blood, better make-up, and effects.
Other than that it was pretty good steady footage.
I'm wondering what steady cam you used, cause it was really nice.