Long blog about the Digital music industry

The full article:
And if you'd prefer to read it in 5-part form, it starts here:

About the changes that digital distribution have made on the music industry, but definitely relevant to film as well (particularly those who do digital distribution). Written by David Lowery of Camper Van Beethoven/Cracker fame. Speaking from a place of experience as both someone on a major, and an indie. Of particular note is the bit on DMCA takedowns, and Google linking to the report on chillingeffects.org and the risk analysis on slides 8 & 9.
Big fan of Cracker (and Cracker Funk, too!) so thanks for posting. I saw CVB at a small venue in Winters, CA back in 2008? Great show.

Thanks for posting. Will add it to my reading list!
More a fan of Camper, myself, and caught that same tour here in Pittsburgh! Great show...getting a chance to hear "She Divines Water" live made me happy!