Live acoustic recording

I know it's often recommended on this website that for sound on a budget, a Rode NTG and a portable recorder like the zoom h4n is a good choice.

I make short films with DSLRs and this is what I plan to be my next purchase, however I was wondering if that sound setup would be sufficient for recording live acoustic acts?

Something similar to watchlistentell's productions:

If not, what do you think would be the best way to record live music like this? I'm a camera operator/editor myself, so please keep things simple where possible :)

I was wondering if that sound setup would be sufficient for recording live acoustic acts?

No. They are lip-syncing to a recorded track, you do not get that kind of mix quality from sticking a mic in front of a group, especially outdoors.

what do you think would be the best way to record live music like this?

The best way to record live music is to put a mic on every instrument and in front of every vocalist and record each track separately for mixdown at a later time.