archived-videos Lips 2 Lips & Diamonds - Spec Concept Ads

Lips 2 Lips ad = 7
Diamond Ad = 8

Diamond Ad was very funny, and nicely lit!
You crossed the 180 framing line though which was a bit confusing...

Lips 2 Lips ad started well, had some nicely frame shots
but it seemed to drag in the middle.

All very radical!

Keep up the good work!!! =D>
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, that crossing of the 180 line was unfortunately unavoidable as it was covering up a few problems we had getting all the coverage we needed to make the ad look the way we wanted it to. Poor planning on our part.
You're right the sexual premise would keep it off the airwaves here in the states, you never know though these days. Tt would probably be tame by european commercial standards.