archived-videos Line of Masculinity

Hey Peter. It's me, Logan. I like this short a lot...the only criticizm I have is that the woman on the left is an overacter bigtime. That may be purposeful and maybe I'm the only person that it bothers, but I just had to give you my two cents. Later.
LOGAN L Productions said:
Hey Peter. It's me, Logan. I like this short a lot...the only criticizm I have is that the woman on the left is an overacter bigtime. That may be purposeful and maybe I'm the only person that it bothers, but I just had to give you my two cents. Later.

We'll just have to agree to disagree... : )

I felt they were both perfectly witty and delivered with minimal interference from the director (me). Since they are both experienced and very practised Second City improv actors (they were both mainstage cast at the time), I let them rip on a lot of what i had originally written. I had to re-do the graphics to match some of what they improvised on set.

To me the brilliance of professional improv actors - the "boxing annual annuity reports" was improv - then brought back again unplanned as a perfect bookend for the close. Jack (the allegedly overacting on the left) is now a host on the FOOD NETWORK.

These kinds of things are preferential and subjective. I appreciate your honest response. If anyone else feels this way, or have any other criticisms, I'd love to hear (read) them. This is how you learn about your own pieces.

- Ross
I agree, that is a subjective criticizm. That is just my personal taste speaking...and, of course that actress knows what she's doing. The short is still really cool and funny. I just wanted to be honest..."bigtime" is a bit of an exaggeration. Logan.
Is there anything (anyone) didn't like about the piece?

IT's always a ht with the ladies, but guys seem to appreciate the flick too.
Pretty darn good, and a few chuckles. Some say the blonde is an overactor which I see in a couple of places, but her overacting carries the whole of the part she's playing including correctly showing the line of masculinity and the points. As I said, she could have played it down a little though, especially because it really shows how little emphasis the darker blonde is putting into her role. Granted, seperate personalities, but it seems like the blonde is doing the talking and the darker blonde is just acting the words.

Looking at it again, I definitely would have reshot the blonde's reaction to the bank lady thing, she was a little over the top for something as silly and trivial as that.

Of course, your films always look good technically, and this one is no exception, but the sound pickup on the darker blonde's mic was a little low especially on my machine which has a maximum volume I cannot exceed.

My 2c =D>
Hi, Hmmm quite liked the film... agree with some of the over-acting arguments. Graphics were quite clever. Think the character differences might be a little too excentuated but that's just personal taste coming into play ;) nice one! and - radical!
sonnyboo said:
Is there anything (anyone) didn't like about the piece?

I didn't like the reverse angle shots where you could see the woman's hands cutting through the line. And I agree that at times she was overacting, but in my experience improv actors do that because they find it funnier.

By the way, if the "boxing annual annuity reports" line was an ad lib, that's a freakin' great one.

These girls were great. Highly professional, and funny is an understatement. We did 3 takes and I could have made 3 very different movies from each one.

This was a 2 camera shoot, so the improv would have killer continuity. My favorite thing was to do the dolly shot & make the "line" a 3D element that changed perspective.

God Bless Adobe After Effects.

And I forgot to mention, for anyone interested...

Here is the SCREENPLAY for this short, so you can see just how much different their dialogue is from the original screenplay

and more info on the short as a whole:
I was being SARCASTIC...

Low ratings, games, or accidents, assholes - it's all a part of the global Internet community.

I learned a lot from UNDERGROUNDFILM.COM 4 years ago when my very first shorts were online for the firs time - and they got attacked. No reasons, people just didn't like them, and they were happy to say they hated them, but never bothered to say why.

Get used to it. If you made it solely to live and die by what other people say about it, it's possible you made your movie for the wrong reason.

At least your work is being seen.
I agree with that, and would say anytime you do anything just to live or die by how you are critiqued than you are probably doing it for the wrong reasons. I do understand the frustration of having a pretty good merit based system trashed by net garbage. One of the consequences of this place growing a bit.
I'm used to it. Internet stuff and anonymity allow people to express how they really feel without any consequence.

It's NOTHING compared to having a real movie play in theatres or on video and how people's honest reaction will be. You could have Jim Carey, Al Pacino, or Robert DeNiro and STILL have someone trash your movie and never be able to articulate why.

I feel like this Internet microcosm will allow people to find out what it CAN be like on a smaller scale. As soon as you can get comforatable with people rating you low and it doesn't bother you - then you'll have the thick skin needed to survive in the "business" have of the movie business.

At least that's my opinion.

Indietalk is expanding. A LOT. This forum is one of the fastest growing ones I've seen onthe web. Kudos to the team putting this on for us.