likelihood of getting past sensors

likelihood of getting past censors

hi everyone...this is a weird one so bare with me.

putting together a comedy/fantasy film this summer and the main character has been cursed (depends how you look at it) with having a perminant erection. now I know there are ways around it by hiding it etc but my question is this...if we made the movie with it on show the entire time, under clothes would it get past censors and what about a promo poster, could it be shown on that?

again, sorry for the...weirdness of this post lol
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About eight years ago I did the audio post on a short entitled "Hard Attack" about a guy who accidentally overdoses on Viagra immediately prior to a date with an extremely sexy woman. The entire situation was handled with visual and dialog innuendo. The reactions and behaviors of the actor made it painfully and hysterically obvious what the problem was without once getting visually or even verbally graphic.

All you need is a set-up that lets the audience knows what's happening and you can handle the rest obliquely, which is often a lot funnier than being obvious about it.
To what censors are you referring? Last time I checked you could make any kind of movie you want. It might be in 'bad taste,' but there's nothing illegal about showing a tent-pole. What are you afraid will happen?