Light Kit suggestions

Looking to purchase (or build) a light kit. Got around $1000 or so to spend. Maybe little more if necessary. Looking for suggestions.

Using HD prosumer video. Shootings range from documentary interviews to cinematic features, music videos, business run the gamut. Indoor and outdoor. Need versatility, portability and quality. Is our 1st kit purchase though so need something we can learn with but also grow with until get more jobs to get more/better lights.

A Lowel Omni 3-light kit will run you about $1000, and is pretty versatile. But your task list is long, and ideally requires more to work with.

I spent about $2600 to get the above Lowel kit, plus 4 Photoflex softboxes of various sizes (with extra 500 and 1K bulbs), and I consider my lighting setup to be very basic. This is all decent quality, affordable equipment for small filmmaking needs.

The question you have to ask yourself, like with all gear purchases, is: Do I want cheap equipment, or good equipment? The good stuff will perform better and last longer. You can hit a decent price midpoint that balances quality with cost like the stuff I bought, but $1000 doesn't go quite far enough, IMHO. Before buying lights, I did a lot of research to be as cost effective as possible while still getting good gear.

You can, of course, buy used gear to save money, but I personally like warranties, as well as store receipts for tax purposes.
I'd agree. I typically rent, but as I do more commercial/industrial work and look to buy, the Lowell looks like a budget solution. I'd rather have an Arri kit, but it's about twice the price. That Lowell 3 light is a decent starter type kit.