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watch Let Me Poo In Peace, Short Skit by Squinty Studios

I just recently joined this forum and came across this thread HERE.

As my debut video on youtube, I have created a video where it addresses some of the other perks of what you do in the toilet. Some may consider it lame, but oh well, it's not everybody's cup of tea.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWC7mFO25j8

I would appreciate it if you guys watch it to the end and answer the questions I've provided either on this forum or down in the youtube comments below.

Thanks for watching, any constructive feedback regarding the technicals and cinematography would be much appreciated. If you're going to post a hate comment, please tell me why you don't like it, that would help alot.
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Haha. So, my thread pre-dates your film by ten days. Is the timing coincidental, or did I actually inspire someone to make a movie about pooping? I'd be honored if it's the latter. :lol:

As for honest constructive critique, it seems to me like you were kinda just winging it. Doesn't appear that you paid much attention to the "rules" of filmmaking. Eventually, you can ignore these "rules" to your heart's content, but in the beginning I think they're very valuable (and I still use them). If you're interested, I think this book is worth way more than you'll spend on it, and you can get through it in an afternoon -- http://www.amazon.com/Bare-Bones-Camera-Course-Video/dp/0960371818

That book only covers the BASIC basics, though. Your lighting was more than a little funky, had some weird coloring going on, and the pacing of the edit was wonky in a few places. You won't find advice for that in this book I've recommended, though there is the internet.

I did get a chuckle out of your vid, so hey, there's that. Keep having fun, and keep improving. :)

And to answer your questions, I'll only answer the one that is important to me -- ALWAYS the T.P. should roll over the top!
Thanks for the feed back! I appreciate the book, but I'm really poor right now :(. I'll looking into getting the book though.

We were half winging this, as this was our first film as a group we made. There was a script written for this and I made the shot list for this as well. We filmed this on a fig rig. Oh well, the more we practice, the better we'll get, and getting some educational sources will help us as well.

I'll have to check the internet for resources. Unfortunately, it was just purely coincidental that the video was talking about your thread. <,<. I just came across your scrunch and fold and thought of the video i made lol.

Yeah the colouring was really bad, I was trying to fix the halogen orange / yellow but kind of failed cause you can only do so much with the raw footage to fix the yellowness. I'll have to look into getting frost blue gel to filter out the yellow to get a more white'ish colour.

Thanks for the feedback once again, I'll try to learn from these mistakes.