cinematography learning how to use the jib crane

how to use a jib crane in indoor space?

I wish to learn how move the camera around the filmic scene using a jib, using it indoor and outdoor. I'm not interested about using it only for establishing shots (or at all because I dislike them a little bit).
I wish to ask you if you can suggest me some movies that I could watch to get inspired looking for jib crane techniques (expecially examples in indoor space if possible).
any kind of advice is welcome.

In my imagiation I could use it indoor, mounting a video head on the top of the jib, filming the actors and then, if for example the actor need to walk a little bit, I could follow him/her with the jib arm, having a connection between the first and the second place.
I do not know, I'm open to every kind of example because I really have not experience with this instrument.

I'll be very grateful for your reply.
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