Law students offering free legal services to selected filmmakers

I am on the faculty of Chapman University School of Law in Orange, CA (South of LA, near Disneyland). I teach the Working with Filmmakers Clinic which is composed of second and third year law students all of whom have had some experience in entertainment law.

Last year Clinic law students provided legal services for the winner of the Netflix/Film Independent Find Your Voice Competition as well as ten other films.

The working with Filmmakers Clinic at Chapman Law School provides free legal services to selected filmmakers (producers/directors).
Filmmakers are invited to apply for consideration if their project meets the following criteria:

1. Fully financed, ultra low budget
2. Full length (not a short) Feature film, not a documentary
3. Start date set in near future
4. Not currently working with an attorney

Clinic students conduct client interviews with the filmmakers and draft production-related documents and contracts as needed, including: securing the rights to the script or other underlying literary material; forming a limited liability company; filing for U.S. Copyright; personal rights releases; employment contracts for producers, directors, actors, and crew; location agreements and trademark releases, and other documents. All Clinic work is directly supervised by practicing attorneys with over 10 years experience in entertainment law.
Interested filmmakers should contact: Professor Kathy Heller:, 714-628-2675

Information on Chapman Law is at: on supervising faculty is at: