archived-videos Last of the Swords

Interesting short. Some parts were a bit dark for my liking and I think you could probably cut this down a bit and have a tighter better story but there were definitely good things!

I liked the final battle with the
flaming swords
I can only imagine what that did to any temper the blades may have once had! Did you use custom swords or were these stainless steel? I'm just curious since stainless steel has habit of shattering. =)
they were stainless steel (we broke 2 pairs of katanas durin the shoot) if you look closely you will see a difference from the beggining swords and the ending ones. mainly the wear and tear were from the intense fighting at the final showdown. however. my more expensive sword did survive because it was better quality :yes: (the steel within the handle snapped. thats y my is considered broken too)

the next movie im workin on is going to be a full feature and with a better story. the last one did not had any script at all, we came up with sequences on set (nd mostly from my head) :P the next one will have a real script tho :)
Very interesting, I found it to be quite entertaining. This is similar to some stuff I have made over the years. My only suggestion is to keep the storyline a little tighter, but good job.
Why would an FBI agent walk up to 2 ninjas and try to grab the swords in the middle of the road? It'd make sense if they were in confined space that they were so close...

Either case, I love sword battles.
Opening was pretty cool, had a very old-school Japanese period film feel to it. Only problem I saw was the rapid back and forth cuts before they charged, didnt jive well with the mellow music. I liked the opening credits footage you used, very 'finished' touch to it. Tip for shooting night scenes; either shoot it in the daytime, and cut the saturation and cool the color temp off, or use lights with light-blue gels. Itll give the effect of being night, without losing clarity on whats happening.