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watch La Cosa Nostra - Teaser Trailer

Nice! Has potential.
Two tips:
1) When having different lighting conditions on screen at the same time (0:07), and if you can change EV, expose for the sky, and use some other kind of light (reflectors, lamps, etc.) to highlight the talent.
2) @0:23, which I guess it's the same scene, the gun shines, which is a dead giveaway of it being plastic, and fake. Spraypaint it with some matte black. Guns, if not made of metal are mostly made of matte materials.
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Cheers, I'll take that into consideration, we've been meaning to get a reflector
what i found interesting though is that the gun at 0:23 is the only one of the guns that is actually made of metal! But i see what you mean anyway
Looking good! (And welcome to IndieTalk :) )

I'm going to agree and disagree with Jake - the exposure wasn't quite right for the shot at 0:07, but I probably would have just underexposed further, so the figures are left in silhouette and the background is exposed properly - at the moment it's a compromise on both, with neither element exposed well.

Love the shot at 0:13 - great composition and the desaturated golden field and hint of teal in the greens work really well together. The reactive lighting and overall compositing for the gunfire is very well done. The micro shake in the second to last shot slightly spoil it for me, I think a tripod or steadier hand would have done a world of good. The last shot, however, is wonderful - just oozes menacing.

My final criticism would be the choice of music and lack of sound effects - it seems a bit too fast and action-filmy to truly work with something like this, and the lack of footsteps, gunshots etc. means some of the shots don't have the impact they would do otherwise. Overall though, that was very slick and well-constructed; best of luck with the final film.