Kickstarter Funding Question.

I noticed a few projects on Kickstarter that had their goal set at $1. My question is do you feel this is a good strategy or do you think it would hurt the production? I know they set it at $1 so they can ensure they get any funds they make, however I am curious if it is hurting more then helping.
If this is your strategy, why not just use indiegogo? Indiegogo allows you to set your actual goal, but keep any funds if the goal isn't reached. I can't help but wonder if anyone setting a $1 goal on kickstarter is even aware of this fact.
AFAIK, Indiegogo has a $500 minimum. Not for keeping the funds, just as a minimum goal.

It is an interesting strategy. But I think the advantage isn't the obvious one of 'keep everything you raise.'

One of the things that hurts campaigns on KS is that random strangers browsing the site only see like 1% of the projects.

Setting a $1 goal could get you on the page as a 'successful' project which means more people browsing for projects to fund will see it. Now, it will be obvious to the person browsing that you're only 'successful' because you set a $1 goal. However, it will still get in front of their face and they may watch/read your pitch and choose to donate.
If this is your strategy, why not just use indiegogo? Indiegogo allows you to set your actual goal, but keep any funds if the goal isn't reached. I can't help but wonder if anyone setting a $1 goal on kickstarter is even aware of this fact.

Cracker Funk this isn't my strategy it was a legitimate question from what I had noticed on Kickstarter. My actual crowdfunding page is on Indie Go Go and I am requesting more then $1. I just saw that strategy and was wondering if others use it or if it was even a good idea.