Just starting off - microphones

I've done A LOT of research on this forum for what kind of mics I should get, and now I think it's time to ask you all directly. I already have decent standard video camcorders and I plan on getting a Tascam DR-100. I want to get a shotgun mic, a hypercardioid for indoors, and maybe some wireless lavs. I'm willing to spend $300 on each mic, although I'd prefer to keep it under $250. I plan on using them to stock up my portfolio with short films once summer comes along (I'm applying to film school :P)

I've seen shotgun recommendations for Rode NTG2 and Audio-Technica AT897. I've also seen a cardioid recommendation for Oktava Mk-012, but I read that hypercardioid are better indoors. I don't think the lavs are necessary, but recommendations would be nice anyways.

I plan on using these mics for the next year before I upgrade. But since I'm spending nearly my entire budget an sound equipment, do you think I should just buy the better mics now and not have to upgrade later?

I know you're not supposed to do it this way, but I haven't had any problems using my shotgun mic indoors (I have a Rode VideoMic). Perhaps instead of buying two cheap microphones, you could buy one medium-range microphone, which will be nicer, and you will use longer.

As for recommendations, I'll have to get back to you in a few years :) I still haven't had a chance to try out any nice equipment!