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watch Just in time for Halloween...

I've actually got a bunch of shorts that we haven't released yet for one reason or another. I had some changes planned for this one that I just never got around to, so I figured it was better to let it go rather than have it never see the light of day.

This was our entry into the 2012 San Jose 48 Hour Film Project. Our genre was "Dark Comedy" and the required prop was a piñata, so we decided to just have fun with it and run with that as the focus of the film. We picked up audience choice as well as best use of prop and best sfx in the competition.


I think we shot this mostly on the 5DmkIII, although there may be some mkII shots in there as well.
Woh. A twisted cautionary tale. Cautioning what, I'm not sure, but...

It looks good. The audio might be a little bright for my taste. The actor did a fine job. The voice over for the piñata is fine. But I might have liked it more if it sounded like the voice was actually emanating from the piñata, as opposed to something like omnipresent, or like the voice of God, or something. Don't know what the technical difficulties in achieving that are.

Fun, nice work! Thanks for sharing it with us. =)
But I might have liked it more if it sounded like the voice was actually emanating from the piñata, as opposed to something like omnipresent, or like the voice of God, or something. Don't know what the technical difficulties in achieving that are.

Yeah, I just recorded the voice at my desk during the edit, so it came out pretty dry and much too present. It would probably just take some more time and some reverb to place it better within the space... we've also got an AE plugin to make things talk easily now, so we could actually have the piñata's mouth move, but when we made this last year we didn't know a plugin like that existed. I'm posting another project tonight where we used it to make some dogs talk, and it came out pretty well.

Glad she wasn't a Saucy Lady hostess!

Wow, that's a great idea for a sequel...
Ouchy! Good one, Evan. I think you definitely made the most out of getting a piñata for a prop. :yes:

Ghoulish minds think alike? Here's something I drew for a self-published zine back in 1995...

Maybe Aronofsky still has a left over key prop from 'Requiem for a Dream.'

(One could only dream.)

Our actress is awesome about putting up with some of the crazy things we've had her do (hanging from the ceiling, hopscotch in high heels, etc) but I think that might be farther than she's willing to go for the art!

Ghoulish minds think alike? Here's something I drew for a self-published zine back in 1995...

Very cool, I think a great scene for a horror flick would be where the kids don't run in terror but are actually delighted to find out it was a blood piñata!