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watch JoyBoy - Happy (Official Music Video/short story/moment of random bad taste)

I have mostly worked in video game development and trailer work in my life, but
a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to make a music video for their band.
I took it as a chance of pace from my normal work, and made them this zero-budget
silly little film.

To be honest, I don`t care much for most music videos in general
as I find it boring when someone is singing at the camera (note, this is just personal taste
not an comment about music video industry), so rather than a straight
music video, I went for a high speed short story fit on the theme of the song... in
kind of absurd and black humor way.


It was a interesting experience, and since a first time for me, I later understood some things that
I should have taken better in account and preparation. I am not going to change my profession
to this course, but perhaps in future I can do something similar just for fun again.

Any comments? :)

Personally I felt;
1)The beginning is a little bit too slow, takes a bit too long for it to get to the point.
Some of the first shots are also visually too uninteresting/low quality.
Should have more of a BANG in the start with nice key visual to grasp attention.

2)Too empty. This is due budget/time limitations though.
More people, more long shots would make it more alive imho.

3)Too monotonous camera moves. Or actually, almost all of those moves I added in post.
This is also mostly due time/budget. We didn`t have dollys, and shot in very strict schedule.
I wanted the camera to move with the person more nevertheless.

4)Not so good locations. Well, we used what we had for $0.
With better preparation though, we could have made them more interesting at least.
I wanted there to be a big contrast in locations, so that some look very colourful and cheery,
and the others like from movie Hostel or Saw.

5)More coreography in dances. This is my fault, I kind of thought that the actors can think
of the moves better than I do, but at the set we didn`t have too much time to think about
those so we just picked up the first ones to come up with.

6)My edit is a bit messy at times. I didnt have enough material to work with so I ended
up using same/similar cameras again and again to boost the rythm up. First I made a slower
edit, but the band wanted it to be faster so I added cuts just to make it flow faster.
With more camera moves I think that wouldnt have been necessary though.

7)Im still overall mostly Happy about it. Some parts work just as I imagined them,
and overall the product looks like its from my somewhat weird mind.
I think the song the band made is good enough to deserve a bigger budget and production though!
Some good stuff in there and I enjoyed it for zero dollars.

Biggest issue is the camerawork (clarity, moves etc...) and general quality of shooting. It's OK (post moves, quality of shot etc...) but could use a lift.
I think given the budget you had to work with it looks good - I love the scene with the elderly gentleman playing the keyboard and decks :) its a feel good song and a feel good video.