Jon Favreau

Sounds like he worked his ass off, getting acting gigs, then convinced Vince Vaughn to help him get the directing job on Elf? But how you go from mildly successful actor with one directorial debut, to getting signed to direct Iron Man.

Seems like you either go the road of the academy or work your ass off networking. He's an interesting success story for sure.
I knew that my avid Dungeons & Dragons addiction in my teen years wasn't a waste of time! Ahhh, gotta love affirmation. :D
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I don't know, I think his professional progression makes perfect sense. He broke into this thing by writing, and starring in, a hilarious cult-classic, "Swingers". From that success, he got a gig directing the next movie he wrote, "Made". That one wasn't so great, but appearantly, he made enough contacts to direct a Will-Ferrel comedy, "Elf". That's not unheard of. That movie was a big hit, so now he's a commodity as a director. Gets the opportunity to direct a children's adventure, "Zathura", and does a terrific job with it (while showing that he can direct action). After all that, it just so turns out that he grew up a major fan of the "Iron Man" comic.

Perfect fit.
I too was shocked to learn he directed 'em both, as I considered him a talented comic actor and nothing more. But I quite loved "Made".