Is this too many audio sources for a one or two person interview?

Lavaliers on parties featured, a boom over head, and shotguns on each camera used to film it? Audio is very important to have for those productions --from what I understand-- but can one have too many audio sources, too little, and is the scenario mentioned above too many to have? Just enough? As many as the one producing the work sees fit should be had?

Have you filmed interviews before? If so, how many did you have? Why? Know anyone who has filmed them before? How many did they have? Why?
A boom op + lavs on each person is standard professional procedure for all film/doco making. More than one boom op is also common where more than one or two people are involved. Camera sound (camera internal mic or camera mounted mic) in addition to the above is also quite common but not as common. It's also quite common for the PSM (Production Sound Mixer) to provide a mix of all the mics to the camera, instead of the camera recording it's own (or a mounted) mic.

No budget filmmakers tend to use just one mic option, most commonly just a boom or more rarely, just one/two lavs. The reason why is usually cost and simplicity. The downside is an increase in the requirement to "fix it in post" and a decrease in audio quality. Additionally, with live type interviews/unscripted material, some of the "fix it in post" options may not be available/viable, ADR being one example.
