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is this possible? Panasonic DVX100a for $710

It is a scam. The fact that you have to purchase it outside of ebay is already illegal, but what these scammers do is hijack someone's account, but since they dont have access to the owner's email address, they put in some freebie address. The same ads appear all the time. The reason ebay doesnt catch them in time is because the auctions are 1 day listings, too fast for ebay to get to it.
A quick scan...

bleaches said:
i saw a Panasonic DVX100a selling for less than USD1000 on ebay. wat do you guys think? another scam? or could possibly be real? (never bought stuff from ebay before, and in desperate need of a good camera) take a look and comment will be appreciated. thanks!:yes:

link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Panasonic-AG-DV...217057497QQcategoryZ79804QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
A really quick scan of this user's feedback reveals a hell of a lot of small cost items as well as feedback from a lot of the same people... Some of these people are not even registered with eBay anymore...

If the seller were selling his own used DVX with all the extras with a NO RESERVE auction, I might buy it but as it stands right now???


Listing taken down...

FilmJumper said:
A really quick scan of this user's feedback reveals a hell of a lot of small cost items as well as feedback from a lot of the same people... Some of these people are not even registered with eBay anymore...

If the seller were selling his own used DVX with all the extras with a NO RESERVE auction, I might buy it but as it stands right now???


Listing was taken down...
