Is There A Cheap Camera w/ TimeCode Capabilites?

I need a camera with manual/auto zoom, manual/auto focus, mic/audio input, headphone/audio output, and most importantly timecode capabilities.

I currently use consumer-level Sony DVD cams to film live events such as kid's birthday parties and music concerts, so anything would be an upgrade from what I have, but I have also gotten spoiled by using and re-using re-writable DVD's so I am also interested in a tapeless system as well, but it is NOT a deal breaker.

I'm looking for the cheapest solution possible with these features for I am a victim of the poor economy and have been laid off for almost three months now (thus my spiked interest in filming for $ and not just as a hobby). I hope if I am able to produce a higher quality product than I am currently able to by upgrading my camera, computer, and audio interface, I will attract more clients and be able to charge more for the end result.

So what is the cheapest camera out there with these features? And what is the cheapest tapeless model with these features?