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Is frame blending the right choice for this shot?

I want to do a shot like this, which is 0:35 into the video:


You can see out the window that the houses along the road are moving by fast. That's what I want. I want to make the what's out the window, go by much faster, than what the driver is actually going. Greenscreening does not look the most real, so I figure it might look more real to drive at normal legal speed. Then take frames out in post, and frame blend it so you don't see any skips in the driver's position. I have tried this but after effects does not seem to know what to key frame, as when I turn it on, nothing happens. What do you think? Thanks.
Greenscreening does not look the most real, so I figure it might look more real to drive at normal legal speed.

If green screening isn't looking the most real for you, then you're doing it wrong.

There are so many ways to do what you're trying to do. Your best option though is a combination of green screen and/or using the correct angles and counter movements to portray the speed you're looking for.

Though, the best option is really to get a permit, a stunt coordinator, stunt drivers and do it at the speed you want to portray.
How about driving and filming at normal speed. Drive 3 times as long as you need for the shot. Then take into after effects, create a mask to cut out the windows. So you have the driver, at real time speed. Then duplicate the footage and reverse the mask, so that you get only whats outside the car. Then speed the footage up 3 times as fast. Comp them together. You'd have real time in car and 3 times speed outside.

Not sure how it would look, but makes sense inside my head.