is "Edit Fest NY 09" event worth attending?

Hey Everyone,

Im a recently graduated cinema and photography major (may 09), with an interest in editing, sound, and cinematography. A while ago i heard about this "Edit Fest" event that's about to take place in NYC in mid June, and ever since have been mulling it over as to weather or not i should spend the $250 it takes to attend. I currently live in upstate NY so it wouldent be that bad of a drive. Was hoping someone here has heard of the event, or even if not, advice on if you think it would be a worthwhile venture for a recent film grad with intermediate experience would be great.

I know that ultimately the decision is mine, but im just looking for some personal opinions and some perspective from those of you with more experience in the film / media world. Here's a link to a description of the event:

Thanks everyone!

- Cheers,