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Investor Wanted ..... ready to roll

This is a long story but keeping it brief .....

we need an investor asap for 1935 gangster short (15 min - yes has been timed by a script supervisor)
cast, equipment, crew & locations all secured & on standby
check out our website ScreenQuest Australia Pty Ltd in the FILM section is a link to SCAR

A business plan (including budget) & script (Directors shots incorporated) is available upon request.

Now the long story .....
Originally we approached a government funding body as Mandie our Producer was listed with the Aust. Film Commission as an emerging producer (we are recieving 4 feature scripts a week now!!) so we figured that would be the best thing as she has always had private investment, BUT..... we were unofficially told (by 2 different staff members) to go ahead & book everyone/thing as it is going through legals & that meant it was going ahead, they were just awaiting the "assessors" report.
That report (with spelling mistakes & contradictions) did not even get the storyline right & said they DON'T recommend it as it would just be an expensive showreel for the film makers (which IS what we want to gain the investors for our features - they want to see what this particular team can do, hence the short but we want awards & statues - lots of 'em for this piece) & it is not new (although it deals with IV drug use of arsenic) then, 2 hours after being informed the government could not fund it based on the "assessor" we recieve an email from the "assessor" stating that now we have "got rid of the government" would I come & chat with him about my project & doing it within his company!
- WHAT THE??? -
understandibly we were very angry at this & called our accountants & lawyers who both said "it must be good then" which made us think YES we know it is or we would never have got the award winning crew & experienced cast alongside the spectacular locations in place - we should have no problems finding a private investor.

So this is where we are & we want to get this "in the can" asap so any help is greatly appreciated folks! :yes: