Introductory rate offered

As a way to meet new faces in the film industry our company Optical Camera Service, Inc. will be implementing new introductory rates to its prospective clients.

Film Scanning $190.00 a minute of footage in 16mm and 35mm.
Take in example 90 minute movie:
@$230.00 a minute = $20,700.00
@$220.00 a minute = $19,800.00
@$210.00 a minute = $18,900.00
@$200.00 a minute = $18,000.00
With our introductory rate @$190.00 the same scanning cost $17,100.00
Saves up to $3,600.00 dollars on the scanning side alone

Scanner takes one frame every 4 seconds.
Scanner is equip with 2000 foot take ups to easily handle full feautres on less reels.

Film Recording on to 35mm $200.00 dollars a minute of footage.
Take in example 90 minute movie:
@$250.00 a minute = $22,500.00
@$240.00 a minute = $21,600.00
@$230.00 a minute = $20,700.00
@$220.00 a minute = $19,800.00
With our introductory rate @ $200.00 the same record out costs $18,000.00
saves up to $4,500.00 dollars on the record out side alone.

recorded out footage transferred onto acetate or poly Kodak 35mm stock @ 5 seconds a frame.
recorder has in house custom magazine equip to handle up to 3000 foot un-exposed raw stock reels to easily output full features in less reels

accumulated from scanning and recording there is up to $8,100.00 is savings.
Both machines use pin-registration guaranteed accurate.
We will match and bid under and quote even less than our introductory rate if one is found.

contact regarding any questions: