Dude, VCU is the tits, don't leave that school!
You should definitely leave Religious Studies. That is one of those degrees that benefits you, in the sense that having a Bachelor's degree will open up a ton of doors for you, but the fact that it's Religious Studies, specifically, helps you none. I should know, I have a BA in Anthropology. I stuck with my field of study, because I love it. If you don't love yours, there is NO reason to stick with it. I'm sorry you didn't get into Film, but you can always re-apply; alternately, I'd be willing to bet that there is a degree out there that you would really enjoy taking, that you would get into.
Anyway, back to VCU. Perhaps because you don't have anything to compare it to, you might not be aware of how incredibly strong it is, as an arts school. Arts, in general. Photography, theater, graphics arts, theater, and many others. Did I mention theater?
VCU's theater department KICKS ASS! The caliber of talent coming out of that program is unmatched by any school around here. It is truly one of the greatest, anywhere. What does that mean for you? A whole bunch of awesome actors and actresses who want to act in your films!
It's also worth mentioning that for the size of our city, we have a very active filmmaking community. Did you know that we were recently named one of the top-ten cities in the US for making films? Spielberg is shooting "Lincoln" here, right now!
I came to Richmond by accident (a job, that I ended up hating). But Richmond has worked out very well for me. I have had some very positive experiences, as a nothing-budget filmmaker, in RVA.
Based on my own personal experiences, my advice is that you don't leave the 804. Definitely leave your major. And definitely leave your job. Dude, you don't need to be slanging chicken sandwiches (though, they are admittedly delicious).
For your future career, I have no comment. Your possibilities are literally limitless. For your immediate career, at least until the end of college, you MUST begin working in restaurants. The entry-level position that you want to get is busser (sometimes known as "back-wait" or "server assistant"). This position requires NO experience, you'll immediately be making significantly more than at Chik-Fil-A, and it doesn't take too long to move up to a higher-paying position. Plus, getting a restaurant job is actually VERY easy, as long as you know what you're supposed to do. Send me a PM if you'd like to know how to get your first restaurant job, and if you follow my instructions, I promise you'll have a new job within a week. Shit, I can even tell you specific restaurants you should hit up in Richmond.
And, yes, I'd love to have you work on my next short. It'll be a one-day shoot (my final in RVA), either in late-November, or early-December, and on a weekday (probably a Monday). It's always good to see what other people are doing, for the learning-experience, plus, one thing you can be sure of on my set is that we always have a shit-ton of fun (that's why I make films, in the first place).
Good luck with your decision-making!