Indie Sites

How about pointing me in the direction of *individual* indie websites which you've found dynamic. At this point, I'm more interested in studying their graphics rather than movie content (one step at a time you know).

I hate to plug my own gig...

But go get a account (it's free) and simply start browsing through the indie film sites category... Lots of outstanding sites with really nice designs.

We have a little over 11,000 members now and still not all the categories have members.

adamthegreat said: - amazing film students (they're now actually making a pilot for comedy central)
HOLY CRAP! I checked this out and those guys are AWESOME!!!!!

That is probably the best indie site I've been too (content wise). That includes semi-famous indie producers...great comedy. Awe man! I love to see such enjoyable stuff out there! Sorry, had to rave.

By the way, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, and Bird: My films aren't all that great, but I think my site looks pretty good. Check it out. I used to have a blue background which looked good too. I think generally, flash is a bad idea. A lot of people are annoyed by it. I'm not, but everyone tells me how they like that there is no music or animation on my site.

Another slick site is That guy knows how to build a nice webpage!
Thanks Filmjumper and Logan. I'm on my way to check out yours, and other sites you've suggested!

I'll have animated clips on my site, but not in the title graphics.:)

Thanks again!