• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Indie Film Depot - Distribute your films with zero upfront fees!

All new, Indie Film Depot is currently in soft launch mode. We are offering free accounts to filmmakers. So come create an account and list your film(s) for sale!

We will have a full launch in February. During this time we will allow all films that you have listed for sale on the site to go live for purchase, we will offer forums, a newsire (you can request to have an article written about your film), duplication and replication services, a film club, advertising opportunities, contests and more.

We want to help filmmakers get their films out there so we only make money when you make money. Join Indie Film Depot now and start listing your films. We can't wait to work with all of you!


Feel free to contact us at : info@indiefilmdepot.com
No, soft launch means that we are building a strong database of films and users before we put them live on the site and begin advertising to buyers. Filmmakers create accounts and list films for free!

Again, we look forward to working with all of you!