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press-release Indie documentary - The Defenders of Taffy 3

The Defenders of Taffy 3 is a WWII-era documentary that tells the real-life story of US Navy sailors that fought a battle of wits against impossible odds, bravery and the sacrifices they made. I used still photography taken aboard the USS Kidd and actual battle photography from WWII in the making of the film. Some of the images were GIMPed. I used Microsoft Movie Maker to create the video and tried to make full use of the few features the program had to offer. I performed the narration using a really cheapie microphone. The background music is from Maynard Ferguson and Buddy Rich. I used Audacity to mix the narration, music and a few appropriate special effect sounds. Before I knew it I had a documentary that ran 74 minutes. Its been on YouTube now since 2014 and has a modest, steady following:

I created an IMDB.com page and hope to get some votes. Thanks!