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Indecisive about my ideas... HELP!!!

Ok, so one month ago I posted to say I intended to make a feature this summer, but I was unsure which idea of mine I should follow through with. Whichever I chose, I was going to write a no-budget friendly version.

So, being indecisive then, I decided to write both and see how I felt after.

Now I've written both (first draft, working on the second), I'm still unsure of which to go for. That's where you guys come in...

Idea A is a your standard slasher; could easily be described as a cross between 'Halloween' and 'Friday The 13th'. I'm quite happy with it, I think it's a lot of fun, but I fear it would just fall into the mix with all the other no-budget slashers. On the other hand, it would be fairly easy to produce and if it didn't turn out so well, I could happily chalk it down as a learning process (which it will be) and throw it away.

Idea B is kind-of mash-up of genres, intended to confuse the audience. For example, the first scene would appear to be from a Nazi-exploitation, we then cut to a slasher-like scene, then we meet our protagonists (stereotypical, cliche horror-type teens), the next scene could be taken from 'The Exorcist'... this goes on throughout the film, but everything is tied together in the third act. It's different, it's fun, but I'd be worried that people might not get it. What do you think? I'm also worried that, even though it reads quite well to me, it might just end be a massive mess of a film...

I'm leaning toward Idea B, I like it better, but I'm just not sure of what to do...

Of course there is Idea C; none of the above. I do have another idea, not yet written, one much more serious, with more character development. It's just not as much fun! Although, it would be even easier to produce, as it would be much more lo-fi.

Anyway, any suggestions, comments or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!
Idea A).

Your B idea sounds like it'll need someone special to make it, and even if you find this, you may find there is no market for it.

Idea A has a built in market, is easier to reach that market and every man and his dog wants to get involved with a horror/slasher movie. There are other benefits to go for the horror route. Though, you really need to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Something new, some new twist, some new hook and so on.

Good luck!
Thanks all for the input so far. My thoughts on what you've all said...

You're probably going to end up making all of them eventually, or rather evolved stories of the current scripts, so do the one with which best suits your budget and current skills level

You're quite right, I may end up doing each of them, so starting with the easiest option (A) may well be the best bet.

...it'll need someone special to make it, and even if you find this, you may find there is no market for it...

I do agree, but Idea A has been done a million times. That said, I knew that as I was writing it, but I love slashers so I went with it anyway, fully aware that I could quite easily make it, and it would exist along side all the other no-budget slashers. There's no twist, nohing new... I wasn't trying for that. But, I'm happy for it to just 'exist'. Films like 'Hatchet' show that that's okay sometimes!

The solution to solve the 'standard slasher' problem is to be creative enough to give the audience something... not what they were expecting...

As mentioned above, my slasher offers nothing new to the sub-genre. I never intended for it to. I personally think slashers have been done to death, I'd just be adding to the pile (but I'm comfortable with that).

That brings me to 'Cabin In The Woods', which I don't classify as a slasher. The horror elements are more reminiscent of 'Evil Dead'. However, 'Cabin...' is actually what I had in mind as I wrote the script for Idea B. The way 'Cabin...' flicks (quite confusingly) between the two elements, before they finally converge for the third act... That's what I was aiming for. My genre changes aren't too dramatic; they could be seen as different sub-genres, but they are all tied together, all relevant pieces of the same story.

Do A, hope it brings in a bit of money for the making of b...

I had thought that, but the chances of any of my films ever making a penny? Probably quite slim. Fingers crossed though.

So I don't know if I've made anything clearer there, or if I'm just confusing matters even more! So far, the consensus seems to be on the slasher, but I should try and do something a bit more original... I guess thats where I'm falling short of an idea.

Anyway, keep the comments coming, they're all really helpful! :)
I had thought that, but the chances of any of my films ever making a penny? Probably quite slim. Fingers crossed though.

That depends... mostly on you, sometimes on pure luck. The more you rely upon yourself, the better your chances are that you'll make something from your movie. If your entire plan is "Once we finish our movie, find a company to distribute it." your chances are rather low to make anything from it.

You need a backup plan in case no one wants to distribute your movie. Your best back up option is to learn self distribution options. Learning this can also help you get a better distribution deal if you're one of the lucky ones. The last thing I want to hear is (1 year later). "I've made my movie, mortgaged my home to the hilt and need to sell my movie otherwise my family becomes homeless, how do I do this?"

So I don't know if I've made anything clearer there, or if I'm just confusing matters even more! So far, the consensus seems to be on the slasher, but I should try and do something a bit more original... I guess thats where I'm falling short of an idea.

To increase your chances of selling, stick to the 3 act structure, have a great hook (something that has a strong marketing appeal), put in a twist or two that no one expects, keep the dialogue snappy and entertaining, make interesting and flawed characters, get those characters to grow throughout the movie (and possibly sequels), strip from the story anything remotely boring and make the ending satisfying to the general audience. Easy right?
Easy right?

Piece of cake!

Truth be told, I expect that whetever I do will run at a budget of no more than £2k. Quality is most likely going to be an issue. That said, I'll be aiming for good enoigh quality for DVD distribution. If it turns out a little better, perhaps I'll try a festival or two. If it's doesn't come up to scratch, I'll just throw it up online. I'm not looking to profit hugely from this project (don't get me wrong though, it would be nice); I'm looking at this as a hobby for the time being.

That said, I still want to make the best film I can and get it in front of as many viewers as possible, however that may be.
I suggest to limit the venues you need to shoot the movie. This will help reduce the time required to make the movie, and will help reduce the budget needed.

Don't forget to feed your cast and crew.
Are you asking us to answer as marketers, or as producers, or as folks who want to get distribution and money?

Or do you want us to respond as fans, or as artists, or, in my case, as "artists"?

Mostly you get the business oriented and the how-do-you-make-money answers --which are great and necessary.

But that leaves me room to answer like the crazy uncle would who can't seem to get with the program and worry about the practical and business end of things.

I'm not a fan of slashers, so from that angle, I say, don't do it! =D

Though you've said many times that you love slashers, you wouldn't know it by reading this thread. If I may be allowed to try and "psychoanalyze" you a little bit based upon what seems the tone of your question and your replies, then I'd say you're heart is clearly not in the Option A slasher, but that it's pretty clearly in the more inventive Option B. No?

So your choice seems to be to do the slasher, slashers being something that you generally love. But that would be inspite of the fact that this one you're thinking of making you're just "meh" about. But you'd enjoy the benefits of making the choice with better business sense, as wiser posters have wisely pointed out.

Or, as "your" crazy uncle richy suggested, you could make the film that crazy uncle richy could swear your heart is clearly more into, and that he thinks you clearly want permission to do. Of course, it sounds like it could end up being more challenging, more of a mess, if it goes south, and will not be marketable or give you a profit or even a return. Then again...if it's good, who knows?

Doesn't it really come down to a question of your priorities at this time? Is it getting into the business of making VOD horror films by making Option A which you have stated will be just another forgettable slasher on the pile of forgettable slashers --but that might make you money and get you going in that biz?

Or, is it primarily a hobby thing, more a to-have-fun thing, just a follow your bliss or your heart thing and attempt to make the film that you're actually interested in thing? But who knows, if you actually put your heart into it and you actually pull it off, then maybe people will see it and at least not think that it's just another forgettable slasher on the pile of forgettable slashers kinda thing.

I wonder if Quentin Tarantino, who just won the Oscar for best screenplay this year, started out making any of his films thinking he'd just make that one that he didn't really care much about and that he admitted would be immediately forgettable, but would have the best hope of meekly making a litte money in the VOD horror circuit? Not that that's such a bad goal...or a bad goal at all. If that's your thing, more power to you. And we can't all be Quentin Tarantinos. I'm certainly not. And I'm not assuming that you want to be a Quentin Tarantino, either. Just wondering out loud, that's all. =)

Anyway, obviously you shouldn't listen to me or take me seriously. Just playing the Devil's Advocate.
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I'm with richy on this one. It sounds to me like Idea B is the one you want to make.

Regardless of your intentions, and regardless of your level of experience, if you aren't excited about watching your own movie, why should I be?

I'm a strong advocate of just making a movie that you want to watch. Forget what you think a potential audience might want to see, you'd just be guessing. You know what you want to see, so take the guess-work out of it. Make the movie that you think will be awesome, and hopefully lots of people will share in your tastes.

Plus, I'm actually intrigued by your mash-up idea. I'd be more intrigued if I knew what the story was, but you've at least caught my interest. :)
Don't forget to feed your cast and crew.

Of course, that’s where the majority of my budget would be going! That and a few props...

Anyway, obviously you shouldn't listen to me or take me seriously. Just playing the Devil's Advocate.

I really appreciate your post Richy, you’ve pretty much summed up exactly what’s running though my head. It’s just a shame that all those questions you’re posing are the exact ones that I can’t answer in my own mind!

As I’ve stated, I’m not focussed on making money at this stage (if that happen, great, if not, whatever…), but I do want to make a film that people really enjoy. The slasher may well please die-hard slasher fans (of which I’m one – thinking back, it was possibly my first viewing of “Friday the 13th: Part 6” that really made me want to make horror films!), but that’s about it. If I can pull off the second option, and it works as well as I hope it would, there may be a lot more people who would (or could) like it. To that end, I could make more money or get more recognition. But, it’s a bigger risk…

...I'm actually intrigued by your mash-up idea. I'd be more intrigued if I knew what the story was, but you've at least caught my interest. :)

I’m starting to sway a little further towards option B, thanks to the word of Richy and yourself. I like my idea, and although it’s pretty crazy, I do think it could be a good, low-budget horror.

As far as the story goes, it revolves around a group of friends who get captured by a cult of Satanists, who wish to raise the dead, to be ruled by Satan himself. The odd bits of the story, the parts where the ‘sub-genre’ switches are all related… for example, the “slasher” killer is actually the cult’s ‘enforcer’, but you wouldn’t know this until Act 3. Until that point, his acts would almost feel random. Make sense? No?

Not sure if it makes much difference, but I don’t think I’ve made it clear that neither option would be too serious. They wouldn’t be comedy, but the aim would be for them to be a “fun” watch.