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watch In Search of Perfection (2010) - Award Winning short film (rev.)


Made for entry into the "Tonbridge Inter-house Film Competition" with theme Ugly and specification: One minuite One shot. - Has been revised since for entry into the "Santa Barbara Minute Film Festival"

- Winner of - "Best Direction" - - (Tonbridge)
- Yet to be announced at SBMFF


An eerie room. An eerie character. He's doing what pains him the most; dealing with a problem he's seen in himself ever since he started on the snowballing path of self judgment. Comparing himself with those whose job it is to be perfect: Beautiful celebrities from mainstream TV and magazines. He doesnt understand why his reflection is void of this aparently nescessary beauty. He knows he must model himself on these icons to fit in.


Following the theme: Ugly: This short film Explores our fixation with self image; from the topics discussed and broadcast to our living rooms, to the written word we have all come to except as truth. We explore the effect all this pressure from the media (shown here as synonymous with the consensus view) has on the malliable perseptions that come hand in hand with the human condition. We are often classed as ugly by comparison with these icons and left to feel inferior.

Actor - William Arterton
Editor, Director, Music... - Charles De La Mare
