editing in need of advice...


I have just sold my G5 imac an desperately need some advice on what to get as im going to live in france for 5 months an i can only take a laptop with me. I know how to use final cut pro and am happy using macs, though if there is a laptop pc and another editing system u can suggest ill happyily check it out (ive used avid all through university but find fcp much more managable). I only have about £700-800 to spend, but have been checking out mac book pro and mac books online. Could i run final cut pro on a mac book, or a second hand G4 laptop to save the cash that id spend on a mac book pro?

Also is after effects a complete editing software and if so can i run that on a pc too, cause I might considering ditching the macs if its more cost effective to work on a pc.

argh sorry for all the questions, im quite confused about what to do and i have to get something in 5 days before i leave!

hope someone can help!

Look at the mac laptops if you've already invested in the editing software...FCP runs just fine on the new mac laptops...and lots of the old ones too. I have a G4 1.25Ghz 15" laptop that runs final cut pretty well...you'll want an external big drive for footage. and no matter which way you go, max out the ram to get the best possible editing experience out of your laptop.

AE is just compositing/Special Effects software and is available for the Mac as well as PC.