In a Mel Brooks sort of vein

Hello everyone at,

I'm finally getting the motivation to crowdfund and produce a screenplay of mine known simply and provocatively as:

Fraulein Fox and the Fashion Nazis

Truly inspired by the tradition of numerous Mel Brooks films: Young Frankenstein, To Be or Not to Be, The Producers... which utilize if not capitalize on ridiculous stereotypes of Germans/Nazis... I am producing this film with the knowledge that some people get uncomfortable simply by reading, hearing or seeing the "N" word: Nazi. The plot of this project takes a decidedly anti-Fascist stance and fights the Nazis through Brooks's trusted weapon... humor.

Three superhuman Nazis get together in Worcester Massachusetts to decide what to do with the rest of their unnaturally altered long lives. One of them is a superhuman blonde of model quality who convinces the other two to start a modeling talent agency and a line of woman's clothing. Torn between her fledgling career and her depressing history, she is the incarnation of the thousand year reich and because of her genetically and otherwise altered beautiful body, she has perpetual youth for the next thousand years. Will she stand beside her comrades when new conquests become apparent or will she give up her dark past in pursuit of less evil venues.

I am crowdfunding on a new site called and the trailer should be up by the end of July 2013. In the meantime I'm trying to see why Flickr blocked my cover photo.

Thank you for your consideration and I would be thrilled to discuss any aspect of this project on this forum.
Mentioning Mel Brooks will ALWAYS get my attention.

Sounds like it could be good in a sci-fi sort of way.

I'm just gonna leave this wonderful gem of advice from the man himself, on the subject of making comedies:

Comedy is a red-rubber ball and if you throw it against a soft, funny wall, it will not come back. But if you throw it against the hard wall of ultimate reality, it will bounce back and be very lively.