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iMovie to Edit Previs & Storyboards?

I'm on an '09 MacBook Pro & need to start cutting my boards and previs together, but I need some advice on what editor to use. My first thought was iMovie '09, but before I go to the trouble of learning it, I thought I'd ask you folks.

NOTE: Nobody else will ever see this edit, I'm using to confirm I have enough coverage in my shot lists.

Here's what I'm dealing with:
A) Hundreds of storyboards (TV Res)
B) Hundreds .mov files of previs (TV Res)
C) Dozens of music files
D) Hundreds of sound effect files
E) Total project length: 120 minutes

I think my editor needs would require:
A) 1 video track
B) 3 audio tracks (Dialogue scratch track, Sound FX, Music).
C) Post Effects that allows me to do some basic leveling of a clip.

Is iMovie going to work? Or will it drive me to drink?
Is there another simple editor that would meet my needs?

Many thanks,

Well, I suppose you could, but why would you? What are the benefits? Why not just use your normal editing software?

To answer your actual question, though, and I'm totally just guessing here -- I think this might be one situation in which pretty much any software would do, so long as it meets those minimum requirements you mentioned.

The reason I'm guessing it might be okay is because of the fact that there's no need for precision with this edit. Any time I've used any of the "simpler" editing software, my frustration has come from how painstakingly laborious it can be to be precise (and of course you know that in editing, precision is key). But since this is just a rough slap-together, meh, it probably wouldn't be too big a deal?
I hear you about those basic packages. I've been using Maya for many years, and I cringe if someone wants me to help them with their entry-level 3D tool.

I had Final Cut on my previous laptop. I loved it, but sold the machine & software as a complete package.

Now, I just want to chop my previs & boards together and not make a large editorial investment while in preproduction. If there's a cheap/free alternative to iMovie, I'm all ears.

I'm pretty sure iMovie '09 won't let you have more than one audio track - from what I remember, adding any audio at all was a PITA if you needed to time it to the visuals (which I imagine you will do).