I'm useless with cameras, but I'm looking for HD

Hi there

I desperatley need some help, I have no idea where to start. Currently I'm working on a Canon XL1, but I'm hoping to sell this and exchange it for a HD camera. I want that real "film look", with a really narrow depth of field..... whatever in your opinion will give me the best quality look.

I've been looking at the Sony HVR-HD1000E HD Video Camera, but if there's something better out there I'd like to know about it, as I haven't actually seen any footage off of this camera and don't want to blindly buy one.

Please bear in mind that I edit footage on Sony Vegas, and I'm on such a limited budget I can't really afford to go above £1000.

Help is much appreciated.
Sophie :)

thats a great camera you have there...and spending 1000. on a new one would get you something less....

Deph of Field comes from the lens...and any video camera you buy will have that same problem...if you want that...and i know i would...you will need to get a 35mm Adapter...there are many out there...i know...i have been doing a lot of research on these lately as i am thinking of getting one...no...i am going to get one...

and price doesnt mean one is better than the other....but for your camera i would think in the 300-400 dollar range...and thats just for the vibrating adapter with great optics and a bright screen...i would go with a 5% sceen so even the edges of your footage stays bright and sharp...

and remember this is only for the adapter...you will need to flip the image in order to operate well...best solution would be a flip hack for the camera...or you could add an adapter to the lens, but this would add more glass ...not to mention more lenght to the lens...and let less light in...with the adapter alone you will lose ONE STOP....

you will also nees a RAIL SYSTEM as the adapters are long and you need some support for them...add another 200-300 dollars...but these will also alow you to add follow focus wheels and matt boxes...so a plus there...

and you should also have a bigger monitor...at least a 7in...to check focus..as the smaller onboard and eyepiece just arent going to cut it...Monitor can be Flipped as well to fix the image flip problem....and cut out the need for a FlipHack or Lens FLip Adapter...

ok...there goes your 1000. but you now have the closest thing to film IMO...

i am about to spend more on an Adapter and Attachments for it than my new camera is going to cost me...just so i can go out and have a little fun with my daughters who are buggin me to start makin little films...

so...this is just something to think about...its not the only answer out there...

have fun...keep shooting

The canon xl series are amazing, i wouldn't trade in your canon xl1.

I have a canon xl1s and found out that a british film called "28 days later" was shot on the canon xl1.

I think if you want to get the film look, you should light up your light sets with the 3 point - 5 point lighting setups and use a number of filters like the neutral density filter.

Alot of cinematographers have told me if you want the film look shoot on film, no compromise.

But i guess if you really want to get a HD camera the canon's are really good, I have a HV20 hd camera which with a 35mm lens looks amazing.