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Ify Sound???

I have a one take scene where the DP is talking when an actor is saying dialogue. You can hear his voice when she talks on a computer or DVD. But, his voice does not show up on a vimeo version.?

Should I ADR the line over? The actor will be at the shoot. But, cannnot make it to the sound studio for ADR.
When in doubt...

Do you have alternate lines from unused takes? I always go to that first and avoid an ADR session if possible. Actually, most of the time there isn't going to be an ADR session, so it's my only option.
That is the only take. Otherwise, I'd swap it out.

Another idea to get the lip sync right is have her do the lines over in an extreme close-up. I hate extreme close-ups for something like this. It looks too much like a post cyb. But, that may have to be done.