If you like abstract painting

Hi Guys

This is well off film making and is to do with a promise I made the widow of a friend of mine.

Robert was a dear friend of mine and a great painter, unfortunately he died earlier this year.

We manged to rescue some of his paintings and I've put them on this site


I'm not looking for any feedback, I just wanted to share the work of another artist who didn't get the recognition he deserved when he was alive.

There is no estate, so feel free to use the images.
Very sad about Mr. Gammie's death. Compassionate gesture, Clive.

His work reminds me of Rothko, an Irish artist named James Scanlon, and imagery from '2001'.

This one in particular stands out to me. I don't know why exactly, but it seems to me to be a voyeuristic shot of space. Something about that idea creeps me out.

Thanks for sharing clive.

clive said:
Hi Guys

This is well off film making and is to do with a promise I made the widow of a friend of mine.

Robert was a dear friend of mine and a great painter, unfortunately he died earlier this year.

We manged to rescue some of his paintings and I've put them on this site


I'm not looking for any feedback, I just wanted to share the work of another artist who didn't get the recognition he deserved when he was alive.

There is no estate, so feel free to use the images.

looks kind of like what was popular in the 1980s. When did he do this style of painting?
looks kind of like what was popular in the 1980s. When did he do this style of painting?

Right up to his death two months ago.

His work reminds me of Rothko, an Irish artist named James Scanlon, and imagery from '2001'.

Robert would have appreciated that. Ta.

Personally I love his paintings and the ones he did just before he died are just stunning.

Thanks for the kind words all of you. Robert was a close friend and I identify closely with him and his struggle to survive as an artist.

I've still got some more to scan in and will add to them as I can. It's hard work because every image I see reminds me of conversations we used to have. Heart breaking really.