If we got into USC film school..?

Lets hypothetically say we all go to USC film school. And we all wanted to be directors. The logical major to go for is Film & Television Production. However, all this talk about producing, makes me wonder if it would be wise to enroll into their Producing major? I figure, you have a better chance of getting work as a producer grad from USC, then directing? Then in the long run, you will gradually learn how to direct by hanging by the sets.

what do you guys think?
I say that if you want to be a director, then learn directing. I'm not quite understanding the notion that producing is somehow easier to get into than directing. Almost everyone I know was a director or writer FIRST, and THEN a producer. Very few go the other way.
Oh, I see. Thank you. After reading the other producing thread, I was under the impression that being a producer, would in some way get your foot in the door easier than a director.
IMO, it's like saying, "Instead of trying to design cars straight away, I'll get my foot in the door by becoming the CEO of Toyota and then move into designing that way."

By the time you're getting paid to produce movies, your foot is not only in the door, it's on the sofa eating cheetos and drinking beer.