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Idea organizing

How do you organize your ideas? Cards? Notebooks? Files?
I have piles and piles of unorganized crap everywhere and think I need some help in cataloging all of that business.
How do you keep trak of your brain babies??
Google Docs spreadsheets.

One master spreadsheet for accumulating story premises, (about five dozen marketable stories currently.)
One spreadsheet for each story.

I can update them from anywhere I can access the internet.
I can add more lines as ideas roll in, as well as copy and paste move things around.
I can edit for timing and pace.
I've done some research, and there're so many ways to go about it. I'm at the early stages of my project, but I personally like three ring binders. While I don't argue the spreadsheet is good, I like the real world "Presence" of the binder... Paging through it, and having to lift it.

Granted, everything in it is on my computer, in my drop box, and accessible from my tab, too... and I'm as likely to reference there... so maybe I'm just weird, too.

I think Celtx also has some organizational tools, though I don't use them. I should play with them.
I use whatever I have available to jot down or record the ideas when they first occur to me. I later type all of that into Word documents on my computers. I keep a master list on a flash drive and have back-ups of it on two separate portable hard drives.
I tend to keep things as organized as possible.... a big giant pile filled with pieces of tiny notebook paper, napkins with ideas written on em i came up with at work, entire scripts loosely stapled together, old pieces of paper with single sentences written on em that are indiscernible, and notecards taped to the wall.

I remember reading somewhere that messiness and creativity go hand in hand... Don't remember where I read it, probably somewhere in that pile of magazines in the bathroom.

"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" -Some Wannabe Smart Dude Named Einstein
Notebooks, but I also keep word docs/PDFs of everything. I usually also just jot all my ideas into emails that I send to myself, so I also have an email folder specific to each project that I am working on