I want to do this video.

This is a corridor digital video and I love it I been wanting to make something similar just because I want to learn a bunch a why not try and recreate something and see how well I can do. I was wondering if you guys know anything about how to make this type of video or if there is a tut that would help me much appreciated.

vary difficult.. they all stand still or on wire rig you paint out. must be vary still so it seems time stops. than camera move around as they stand still and pretend time stops.

in digital you use moshun maching like boojoo and composet particals exploshuns you make in 3d program and sum times stock footij. tons of shitt takes forever. you can use fumefx tom make partical.

so acters act vary still.... camera move around the acters.... then boojoo and particals.

to hard for you unless you are ffx artist!!! vary nice video produkshun val-you but so hard to make, takes a big team

sorce: i am a directer
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... I want to learn a bunch a why not try and recreate something and see how well I can do.
As an art student, we used to do *master drawings* all the time. It helped us appreciate the techniques of our predecessors. I think this is a great way for you to learn movie making techniques, as well. If I were you,though, I'd start with the basics.
This is a corridor digital video and I love it I been wanting to make something similar just because I want to learn a bunch a why not try and recreate something and see how well I can do. I was wondering if you guys know anything about how to make this type of video or if there is a tut that would help me much appreciated.

they have the making of in the very next video

But you can't learn how they did it by just by looking at the next three minutes. It gives you a good idea if you're already familiar with vfx. If you are familiar and if you really want to know how to do it, then then next three minutes will tell you what to learn. If you're new to vfx, this is a bad first clip to want to recreate I think. You need to start with easier stuff
