I NEED HELP (not in that way...)

Hey my names Alex I'm 19 and I'm an aspiring Director from the U.K. Anyway I need help, over the past few years I've been pretty directionless and unsure about my future career (like many others around my age). However last year my friend asked me to help him direct a short film for his degree, I've always loved films and have a good knowledge about camera angles, acting and plot.

So anyway I helped him out and found that I loved doing it, I really feel like I've caught the filmmaking bug. so anyway I've finished my A-Levels and I'm going on to an Art Foundation where I hope to specialise in filmmaking.

However I do feel kind of unsure what my next step should be, I'm off for summer and I really want to learn more about Directing, screenwriting and filmmaking. I'm saving up for a camera, But i really need help.

I just wondered if anyone could recommend any good books, documentaries, or possibly just give me advice, like on any decent cameras, what my first steps should be e.t.c. I can see this is a great forum and I look forward to talking to all of you and junk...

Anyway peace out
If you're anywhere near London you can come on-set with us this summer. The best way to learn about filmmaking is, undoubtedly, to get on set and learn by doing.