I need help identifying a movie

If anyone could help me with this long-troublesome problem, I would be ridiculously grateful.

About 7 or 8 years ago CityTV in Toronto was doing a string of Canadian independent films airing on Friday nights. I happened to be home from university and was checking one out. I really, really enjoyed it.
My problem was that when thinking about it later, I couldn't come up with any of the actors, nor the title of the film. It has been very irksome as, from time to time, my mind drifts back to it, and I end up spending several hours trying to track it down online based only on plot points.

So I finally decided to see if there were any forums that might have a conglomeration of Canadian indie film lovers, who might be able to steer me in the right direction.
Anyways, here is the plot. It will have spoilers, but it is the only way I can differentiate it from other films.

The story begins with a man who is being urged by his publisher to write another book after his last book (also his first, I believe) was wildly successful. To break him of his writer's block, the publisher sends him up to his (or the company's) cabin on the ocean. So he goes to this cabin, but to no avail. He is having just as hard of a time writing.
One day he is looking out on the ocean and a beautiful woman arrives on his stretch of beach, strips down and wades into the ocean, naked. He eventually ends up meeting her, spending some time in the cabin, and such. I believes she "inspires" him and he begins writing, but that's a little fuzzy. Anyways, she seduces him and brings him into the bedroom, only to tie him up and leave him for dead.
He eventually breaks free and goes to the local cops (small town, kind of bumbling). He brings them to the cabin, but she's not there, and they can't really do anything. So he goes back to the cabin and continues thinking of her and obsessing. She ends up returning and there is a big fight between them, with her accusing him of stealing her book (when she was a student and him a prof? Not sure. Also, this accusation may have been thrown when she tied him up as well).
She ends up knocking him out, and in the closing scene of the movie, he is tied to a desk chair on the beach, and she is walking away, leaving him there as the tide starts rolling in.
Cue self-realization: He notices his watch, which she stole and was a focal point at some point in their arguing. It is still on his hand. The implication is that he has made this all up himself out of guilt for stealing someone's (her) book and publishing it and taking the money and glory.

Seriously, I've dedicated a lot of time to trying to find this movie, of which I clearly have a grasp of the plot, but incessant searches have turned up nothing. Any help you can give would be appreciated endlessly (especially if I can find a DVD copy!).