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watch I Love HSF - My Story (For my college competition)

Hey guys,

I've recently participated in a competition started by my college' student federation, HSF. In that competition, we had to make an original video in which we had to tell how much we love HSF :P The winner will get a MacBook :)

So, this is my entry for the competition. I was not sure where to post this, so I posted in this section.

This was my first time as a director, editor, music composer etc. It was one of the best learning experiences of my life. I've learnt so much about editing while editing this video. And also the importance of thinking like an editor while shooting a video. Lastly, the compromises one has to make to make a film. Good stuff :)

I didn't have a good video camera, so I decided to use still photographs. I clicked around 3500 pictures in four days for this video.

I shot it with Sony DSC W310 and edited with Sony Vegas 10.

Here's the link for the video (Please watch it in HD if you can. I've put a lot of effort to get it in HD)


Thanks :)