I have an idea

Hi All.

I have an idea. I have a basic camera. I now need you.

I am a amateur video maker from London and I have a idea for an experimental film.

I am looking to develop a database of people who may have skills to offer or may wish to get involved in a supporting role.

I will be honest from the start, I have no money, well who does when starting in out film. I suppose in that regard I am looking for folk like myself. This may work and may lead to better things, however if not then I hope it can be of benefit and that we have fun along the way.

Part of the fun is the experimental nature of the production. Volunteers will not know the full story and if you did, well it would not be experimental and I doubt it would work out as everyone would be in on the secret and plot points would not gel together. To put people at ease I will confirm however that no nasty surprises in store ha ha.

I would be interested to hear from guys and gals who have a basic grounding in acting, but not too polished as that perhaps would not suit the experimental nature. Furthermore any one who may have something to offer is welcome to get in touch. If things work out then I expect I will need plenty of extras, nothing too major, just people in the street etc. Oh yeah before I forget the majority of shots are planned for outdoors so you would need to love rain and shine ha ha. Time wise I am looking to get started anytime between now and summer. I suppose I would require help on a couple of odd days.

Thanks for reading and I hope to answer any questions and respond to any points raised.
If you find a room for me and my friend in london I'll move there and we can be partners! I'm pretty newb too, considering I'm just doing my first short but I think I've learned a lot so far and am continuing to do so