
Hi, i am studying film in the uk, i am 17 and was wondering how to start in the film business. I want to move to america and study film in the USC as ive heard its got a good reputation. What i want to know is how would i start in the film business and whats my chances of becoming a success and making a living as a director?
I have a simple answer, Work hard." You have to want it more than anything. You have work, eat and sleep filmmaking.

USC is a great school. Also, look at UCLA.

As to your chances of making it, I don't think anybody can tell you that. I know peope who were very talented and worked hard and still struggle just to make it through the year and maybe work on one low budget movie. I know other who have risen quickly. It's a tough business (and remember it's a business) and it's an artform, so all the business rules don't apply.

Work hard and keep raising the bar with each project.

Welcome to the board dude. Hope you enjoy your stay.

I agree with Scott, working hard is must. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say luck has a lot to do with it too. Being in the right place at the right time. USC and UCLA would be a great place to be for that.
90% of filmmaking is networking. To be more specific, networking with people in the industry. The old saying "It's not what you know, but who you know" is definately spot on about filmmaking. Don't believe me? Look at all the complete trash that regularly spews from hollywood studios and ask yourself how, if not for schmoozing the right people, these films came to be released.

Being here is definately a step in the right direction. Ultimately what will carry you into and through a career in film is passion, without passion and determination you'll give up before you "get your break"

Good Luck, and welcome!
thedude said:
whats my chances of becoming a success and making a living as a director?

...Noooobody can tell you that. I think you will find that like any other artform, you take a risk doing something unconventional and that is what film is. Just like writing, or dance or acting or music or any other artisic endeavor, the rewards can be quite the draw, but for everyone who is a success, there are so many more who are still trying to be a success. will have to want this more than anything. And you will have to work hard as has already been said. I will add this: you will have to be resourceful and optimistic and it won't hurt to have some talent :D .

...welcome to the board, you will find alot of people here to bounce ideas off of and to get advice from :)

--spinner :cool:
spinner said:
it won't hurt to have some talent

keep in mind, though, that most of the "successful" "popular" directors don't really have much talent.. at best they copy other great directors visions...


One that sticks out like a sore thumb to me is uh.. Michael Bay. Don't get me wrong, I generally enjoy films he has directed... BUT. it seems he's incapable of creating tension or excitement without using uber-fast-cutting-shaky-as-hell-shots.. granted, yes, it creates tension and whatnot, but there are other ways..
