My group NoBudget Pictures has been doing projects since 2000, but I haven't made one post about it on these boards yet. Since the trailer for our newest short is up now, I thought I'd point you all in the right direction to check it out. Like most NoBudget fare, it's a comedy. It represents a lot of new ground for the group, and if you take the time to view our shorts and features, you'll probably get the idea. I recommend Garden Variety Monkey Bars and Thunderblah! for newbies. Though the Shorts page is also pretty sweet. Anyway, enjoy the trailer!
How To Save The World
No Budget Pictures
Note: I make my starring role debut in How to Save the World. Up til now I've just done production stuff and cameos. I play Jeff, the reluctant hero with the ridiculous hair.
How To Save The World
No Budget Pictures
Note: I make my starring role debut in How to Save the World. Up til now I've just done production stuff and cameos. I play Jeff, the reluctant hero with the ridiculous hair.

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