How to propose a show to discovery.

Looking at putting together a survival show that rivals bear grills as well as survivor man. Both of those shows in my opinion have run there course and are desperate for content at this point. What do i need to do to approach discovery channel? How long should a trailer/demo be to catch there eye? Its all going to be shot in 1080P on multiple canon 5D Mk II's along with a few other cameras so quality will be excellent. Before approaching them should i meet with a lawyer so they don't "steal" my idea etc. Who also to contact is another *blank*.

Thank you in advance for your time and responses.
One thing you may want to do is contact somebody doing other shows for Discovery or other producers for reality shows and see if they would be willing to be a "show runner". That's basically a producer with connections who knows how to get a show to those who matters at the networks. They will want a fee and sometimes that can be hefty, but if it works it will be worth it. I'd also recommend getting an entertainment lawyer involved when you start setting up any deals.

As for a trailer, I'd go for 4-6 minutes.
