how to keep contacts in the industery

Hi All.

I was just online with this guy that was realy nasty just a pin head.

anyways I was asking him if he would like to take part in the short films we will soon be working on together, you know the more people the funner it will be.

so he starts off by saying that he would like to know more about it, so I send him to a web address so he can have a look see and read a bit, then the guy comes back and more or less makes me feel like I stoll his idea are somthing, no big deal I can take it.

Then I ask what he is doing, says he is just about to start on a short film, Cool I say then ask him if he has worked on anyting I may have seen, says no.. Cool I say then LMAO he starts getting all cocky with me when he says what have you worked on and I tell him two of my last films I worked on.

Then calls me a snob "What" where me a snob you are joking right.
layed into me some more then called the guy a looser and let him be.

in the industry I fined that it is best to be nice out going and friends with every one you meet, they maybe an ass but you have to work with them and well dont know about you but I dont even like to call what I do work its bloody fun so why make your happy place a living hell.

I have seen guys like that guy in the past and I tell ya, LOL I have not seen them in years.

People who act like that will not get far unless their uncle is Francis Ford Copolla. Don't worry about it. Hakuna Matata, right?

I am currently dealing with someone who is being a splendid jerk. I have been trading emails with him for the past few days. Every message that I have written, I have striven to be as nice, polite and down right diplomatic as I possibly can be, yet he always replies with child like petulance and antagonism. I finally reached a point where I've decided not to reply to his latest email. I have to end it, it's as simple as that, no matter if I lose a contact or not.

Sometimes you have to quit while you're ahead.

Yes, people like that are insecure in their own work. :yes:

Me, what have I done? Not much, but I've done something. May not be a lot, may not be good but it's more than "waiting for the right time" or something like that... I say if you have a camera use it!

When people know more than me, I ask them questions so I can learn. Yea I've learned by the stuff I've done but getting info out of people with more experience is key. It's communication. That's why IndieTalk is such a great site. It's filmmakers helping filmmakers make films... If someone wants to be all bummed that you've made something, it's their loss.

I mean Scott Spears won an Emmy and I feel comfortable asking him anything. Same with Peter from, he has experience and knowledge. Man, you better believe that I'll ask them stuff, AND HAVE... Are they full of themselves, maybe people think that way, I think they know what they are talking about and don't bulls**t around. And that's what I like, no BS.

Whoever you were talking to should get over his 8th grade childish behavior and make something. :rolleyes:
Some people are jerks. Period. Some do grow out of it. In general, I tend to lose their phone numbers and email addresses and move on in life finding people who aren't jerks.

this guy sounds like an idiot...he just made himself look like an ass...he thinks he's won, but he has no idea...karma man, karma. haha.
Oh so true. I think I have very good Karma.. reason.

I got Sebation Spence for my Short film. free + all my Weps free and just about anything you can think of free. - food LOL have to pay for that but there is not meany people on set so it should not cost all that much..