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How To Create Your Own Movie From Scratch

Calling all aspiring movie producers and directors!
If you’ve always wanted to create a movie but have lacked the knowledge, equipment and money to get it done, there’s good news for you! You can also bring your movie from the idea phase to the post-production phase in just a month’s time if you so desire. And – you no longer need to have a quarter of a million dollar video camera to shoot your own movie – as you will discover in this FREE Report called How To Create Your First Movie From Scratch. How To Get The Camera You Need For Your Own Movie Production For Less Than $100 Bucks! The Turbo Way To Get Your Movie Done In Less Than 30 Days Without Shooting & Editing 8 Hours A Day! Where To Start Distributing Your Movie Absolutely Free For Massive Exposure To The World!
How To Create Your First Movie From Scratch is your complete manual to making your break into the movie production scene once and for all. All you need is a little creativity, resourcefulness and an afternoon to read through this free report! To grab this free report click on this link.

That's awesome! I'm going to grab this report right now, before everyone else does, so that I can have my $100 movie finished and out into the market days before the competition catches up to me!

UPDATE: I've downloaded the report, and I'm shocked to learn it has nothing in it about how to get a camera for $100, how to make a movie in 30 days without doing a lot of work, or where to distribute my movie for Massively Free Exposure To The Whole World!

I'm quite disappointed, and beginning to think my lifelong ambition to become incredibly successful in the film industry with little to no work, resources or effort is doomed to failure.

But I do have to admit the report had some very useful advice about cameras: "While a Digital Video (DV) camera is perfectly good for indoor shoots, you may need to use film or one of the state-of-the-art, very high-resolution digital cameras, such as the Red Digital Camera, when shooting outdoors."

I'm just confused because it doesn't explain how to get that state of the art of the art camera for $100. Is that in part two?
You didn't really submit your email info to that site, did you?

Your 'puter's gonna get herpes simplex ten.
