How music video directors work?

Ok so I love making music video - of course Im an amateur!

I dotn have any degree or any film school or any crap like that... so my question is... I know to make a film you just make it... but how is it with music videos? Im not asking about some unknown artisit etc... But the REAL people... who calls who?

Is it the label/the artist calling the director's representation or is it the director suggesting himself and pitching the story? or is it like with acting, te AGENT finds you work?

I make music videos but they're just... there... How do you go? Getting representation without film degree is hardly possible and what if you get the representation, and then somebody wants to "use" you... where do you start in pre-production of a music video?

anyone experienced enough? :huh::cool:
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"I know how to make a film you just make it" ummmm not really hah but I think I see what you're trying to say.

Well the artists I've worked with so far have been unsigned so I only needed their permission. That's probably a good place to start
UK Websites like ArtsJobs and Star Now often have companies looking for people to pitch for music video work.

If you only want to work with music you like... then showreels sent to record labels/Music PR/Management and/or bands would be a way to get yourself known to them.
I think I know what you're talking about. The industry has changed somewhat lately with budgets falling lower and lower as labels are trying to cut costs left and right.

Also, I don't have any experience with making music videos, though I have read: It's an industry where you have to get known and the studios approach a production company for you (the producer) to put together a team make a music video for them with specific production values, within their budget. It could be run similar to advertising agencies where different production houses are invited to pitch their music video ideas and the one the studio chooses wins.

Pitching? I don't believe it's like the movies where you can pitch ideas to studios. Music Videos are essentially adverts for the music industry to get you to purchase music. It's tough to convince someone to make an advert for something where an averts is already made or they don't see a reason for the advert.

How you break into that industry? Good question, I can only assume doing pro bono edgy music videos for bands that aren't established or are independent. Or getting to know the right people and being at the right place at the right time with the right skill set.

Good luck.
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