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How do I upload files from Final Cut Express to Youtube?

I'm having too many problems with this. I exported my video from final cut express(quicktime), I try to upload it to youtube but it just takes waayyyy too long! I take the file and put it onto my windows laptop, I try to upload it to Adobe Premier Pro so I can re-save it as a h.264 file, but Adobe Premiere cant open the file because it's associated to Apple...Sony Vegas, After effects cant open it either...I download a video converter to try and convert the video to something else, the quality looks DISGUSTING.

Please help me, I've had enough with Apple, I should have just edited with Adobe Premiere from the start, stupid Apple, I don't wanna pay for Quicktime Pro so what can I do??

Help pls
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First, check your bitrate. By default, Final Cut sets an automatic bitrate, which is based off of the bitrate of the source material. For Youtube, try setting a constant bitrate (start around 600-1200kbps). That will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the filesize.
I don't have Express installed
-- what are your export options?
-- Youtube has a file size limit = you'll need to compress/crappify the footage to get it to upload on a slower speed internet connection if it's bigger than that size at full quality, or you're unwilling to wait for the upload (I'm thinking the issue here is the upload speed of your internet line rather than a problem with Apple).
-- h.264 is a highly compressed file format and should be avoided for material that is still being worked on... it's not a good format for sharing between programs.
-- Final Cut Express is a middle ground application that targets advanced iMovie users with the Final Cut interface. It is hobbled in the formats it supports to force users who want more options to upgrade to the full version that will support all of the bells and whistles. One of the bells and whistles that is missing is a full bevy of file formats for export as the purpose is to produce material for display online or on iPod/iPhone/iPad. h.264 is that format.

FCE works exactly as advertised and was never meant to be the solution to working in a multiprogram, multi vendor world -- that's Final Cut Studio, you've found the cutoff point of the jr. version's abilities and may want to consider upgrading to the full version at some point - or dealing with its limitations (which make it cheaper).